Wednesday, April 29, 2009

They are here!!!

After 34 weeks and 2 days with God's miracles our girls are here. They are in the NICU and doing well. I will write more soon! Please keep the girls and our family in your prayers! To God be the glory!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

almost 32 weeks!!!

Sunday we will be 32 weeks!!! I am on modified bed rest and on Procardia for contractions. Today we went to the high risk group and the girls weights are: Cate 3.10 and Ellie 4.7!!! Pretty good weights I thought Last time we were there both's fluid levels were on the upper limits of normal. Today Cate's fluid level was normal and Ellie's was still on the upper limits, but no change. They do not seem concerned and will recheck me in two weeks. They are also rec. that I get screened again for gestational diabetes. My cervix has also shortened from 4.0 to 2.5. Overall very good praise news! Thank you Lord!!! Hopefully they will say in until 35 weeks Hope you all are doing great. Praying for you all!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today we are 31 weeks! All things are possible with God!

Week in Review (3/20/3/28)

What a week! Not sure if I updated the blog since our last L&D visit last week, but I was placed on Terbutaline and goodness was that stuff nasty! After a racing heart and chattering teeth, Dr. Stenklyft put me on Procardia instead to calm down the contractions. He also did a cervical check which was fine and a fetal fibronectin test that came back negative. Alll good news. Praise the Lord! Then Tuesday night I was up with the dry heaves and my blood pressure shot up, so I went in to see Dr. Barnes Wednesday morning. After a negative pre-eclampsia work up in the L& D and with a tad high white count (14) I was sent home with a likely GI bug. I still think I did not have a GI bug...just pre-term labor fun. Saturday morning I seemed to have lost part of the mucus plug, but after talking to Kammie am not too worried about it. Hopefully we will hang in here for at least two to three more weeks. Saturday afternoon, Jeff and I got ready at my Mom's for the Jaguar (Roar) baby shower put on by Theresa, Genny, and Palmer. Mom was awesome as always and bought me a really cute turquoise dress and did my hair and makeup:) Most of the gang (Collins fam) was still at the lake house, but Kip made it to the shower with Brian which was great:) The shower was awesome. the twin cupcakes (strawberry shortcake flavor) were yummy. There were pink roses and green table cloths, a HUGE diaper cake, and beautiful Moses baskets sewn by Theresa. The boys brought Jeff some beverages and yes even some cigars! It was a great afternoon and we were blessed that the rain stayed away for the most part. After the party, I came back home and rested...I was cramping pretty back in the bed. Tomorrow we have an OB appt, with Dr. McIntyre and Friday meet with ROC for another high risk ultrasound. Please keep us in your prayers. We love you all so much and are so excited! The countdown has begun! xo

Friday, March 20, 2009

Shower at Catie's

Last week (3/14/09) Catie had a wonderful baby (ies) shower for us. The house looked perfect with beautiful pink flowers and a clothes line of embroidered dresses for the girls. All of the girls in the neighborhood were there to celebrate our miracles! The best surprise was when Skye brought in Kami and Kiley from out of town! It was awesome and of course I started crying! We played several games including which chocolate candy is in the diaper, the baby food tasting game, and the celebrity baby game...Catie has all of the pictures up on shutterfly. After the shower the girls came over to our house to see the pink room. 
This week I have been resting a lot. I have been able to be wheeled to Tristen's games (He had the flag winning pull at his flag football Super Bowl game (Chargers) and had his first hit at his baseball game (Indians)) Catie has wheeled me out in the shade for afternoons with the neighbors. Two nights ago contractions started again, so I have been chugging water to keep them away! Monday we have an OB appointment. Please keep us in your prayers.
Otherwise, I am getting HUGE and kind of uncomfortable, but what a blessing! I still listen to the girls heart beats twice a day with the doppler. They are really moving, but tinier movements because I am sure it is getting tight in there! Kip will be home this weekend and hopefully I can go to little Gentry, Sterling, and Tristen's games tomorrow. I will write more soon! Please continue praying for us and for our sweet girls! Love you all

29 weeks and five days!!!

The Lord says, " See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" Isaiah 49:16

Lately, I cannot get out of my head the song "covered with the fingerprints of God". This song states pretty much sums it up by saying we are God's children.  I have realized even more during our pregnancy the unconditional love from God our Father. God loves us. Present tense. It makes me emotional knowing how much I love our much God loves our girls because they are His.  God has brought us through this pregnancy and we WILL have two beautiful daughters and we WILL raise them up in a Christian home to be daughters of the Lord. What a testimony! Today we are 29 weeks and five days! To God be the glory!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So Sunday after shopping in the wheelchair with Jeff for bedroom furniture...the contractions started! Thank goodness for Kammie (my cousin) and my sister who guided me to Labor and Delivery. They put me on the monitor and sure enough...contractions. With some rest and lots of fluids the contractions went away. At the OB appt. on Monday, Dr. Barnes gave me a rx for terbutaline to start if they come back again. Hopefully with rest, lots of hydration, and prayers they will not be back for some time . 
I have moved back home in my house from Mom and Dad's house. I miss them, but it is good to be back with my husband. Tami (Jeff's sister) has been sooo helpful. Yesterday, Stephanie ( a neighnorhood friend) painted my toes!  
Today sweet Rosie, our white lab, goes to a new home. I am sad, but she wil have such a better quality of life. We are worried she is too rough for the babies. I am going to miss her! sage will miss her too. 
Love you all and please continue all of your prayers! xo

Friday, March 6, 2009


I just wanted to say how THANKFUL I am for our two girls and how much God deserves all of the glory!!! God is so good and without him I am nothing...we are nothing! Thank you Lord for all of your blessings and miracles!

Praise news!!!

The shower that my Mom's friends gave me was AWESOME!!! I am so blessed to have such great friends and family. Catie made me an amazing journal with a long letter to the girls and Mom made beautiful bedding for the girls. It is insane how many great things we have to spoil our girls!I cried and cried at the miracle that God has and contnues to provide!!! Unfortunately Melissa's luncheon for Tuesday had to be rescheduled. Grant had a fever. With a possible risk of a Fifth's disease scare, we could not risk it. Today Mom and Dad took me to ROC for a follow up ultrasound. The girls weigh 2.5 (Ellie) and 2.6 (Cate) pounds. (Jeff had a heart case) The girls look great. Ellie was very playful today and Cate was very shy...go figure:) The ultrasonographer took 3D pics of Ellie that I will post. There was a tad excess of amniotic fluid in both sacs, but the only associated risk at this point is preterm labor (We are already in that category) Mom and I are at her house together. She had a skin graft a couple of days ago and she is healing nicely. I will write more soon. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! xo

Friday, February 27, 2009

Upcoming events

Tomorrow is our first baby(ies) shower by Mrs. Imfeld and Mrs. Geison. Jeff specially ordered me a sweet pink dress and I am soo excited:) My family will be there along with many Bolles teachers. It will be awesome. Sunday we will be 27 weeks!!! God is soo good! Melissa is having a luncheon at her house for us (the girls and me) on Tuesday. Leighton and Julia will be there. We also have a R.O.C. appointment this upcoming Friday to look for growth and overall well being of the girls. Please keep us in your prayers. It will be an exciting week and before we know it we will be 28 weeks and I will be moving back home. I am nervous to be further from the hospital, but I know God will keep us safe and healthy! Thank you all for your continued prayers! xo

Monday, February 23, 2009

active faith vs. passive faith

"You've just got to believe He has done it and it is done" -From Days of Heaven upon Earth

I have not mentioned this yet in our our blog, but I was just sharing with my Mom my grattitude for her power of faith...her true essence of being an active believer. At fifteen weeks when we were bleeding and praying for a mircle my Mom never questioned that the God would provide a miracle. She quietly began to sew a cowgirl quilt for our girls. Her active faith made me believe that we would make it. Each day a quilted piece was added ...our faith grew...
At fifteen weeks when we were in the hospital Catie pulled me aside and said, "it is o.k. to believe Jo. Let your guard God and believe" I remeber it perfectly. Catie, Jeff, and I were there just all teary eyed and we came up with the girls names that day. .................and ever since my Mom and Catie's active faith lessons... there have been a turn of positive events:) Thank you Mom and Catie for making me a believer and for making me a woman of active faith! Thank you God for putting them in my life. I love you both so much!

26 weeks and one day:)

Praise the Lord:) and to God be all of the glory! Today we are 26 weeks and one day pregnant. The girls really have been moving. It is so much fun:) This past weekend Jeff and I went to Babies R' Us and ordered our cribs and bassinetts for the girls. Tami (Jeff's sister) painted the girls room pink (She has been so awesome and helpful). We also picked up an adorable chandelier and Pottery Barn Kids. On Sunday we were able to go to church and the music was awesome:) I still go out in the wheelchair and we have affectionately decided to named it "the Patriot" ha!
Back to the nursery....The nursery is going to be so beautiful:) Mom has been sewing a surprise for the girls and I am pretty sure it is the bedding:) I am so excited and starting to wonder what they will look like. I am feeling great. The only main change seems to be back pain at the end of the day, but I consider it a true blessing to have the back pain because it means my bells is getting bigger and the girls are growing:)
This Saturday is our first baby shower . Mrs Imfeld and Mrs. Geison are having it for us. I am soo excited. Jeff ordered me a dress from the Maternity Shoppe in San Marco. It is chiffon and flowy and pink:)
Every morning when I take a shower I pray so hard for our girls. I am completely humbled and thankful for all of the miracles and blessings that God has provided for us. These babies are such a testimony to His works and that All things are possible with God:) I am also so humbled and thankful for our friends and family and when someone says they are praying for us that prayer is a great gift. It has made me reevaluate when a person asks me to pray for him/her. I take that request to heart. I guess what I am trying to say is that this pregnancy has made me so thankful for my relationship with the Lord and that when it comes down to it...when I am all alone...He is my best friend.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good news

Todat at the OB everything went great. Good heart tones and growth. I did receive the "watch your weight talk". The way I see it is that the PICC line is no longer needed, the babies are growing, and I am healthy. It did make Jeff and me laugh, but we overall feel blessed. We go back in three weeks. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. xo

Appointment today

Please keep us in your prayers today, as we have an appointment today at 3:50 with our OB. It is a follow up appointment. Love you all!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

almost 25 weeks!

Tomorrow we will be 25 weeks pregnant. The girls are really starting to move and when they kick you can see it outside of my belly:) Yesterday was Valentine's Day and it was great to just spend time with Jeff. He gave me the cutest present. He ordered me a bear from Vermont and it was a pregnant bear :) sooo cute. I also was able to see Tristen's football game in the wheelchair. I also was able to see my two dogs Rosie and Sage. Sage is our chocolate lab and he has lost about 20 lbs over the past six months. After a million dollar work up they cannot find anything wrong with him. Mom says he misses me. Since the tests were negative, I was able to see him yesterday and he was soo cuddly. It was overall just a great day with family.

In closing, I wanted to share a passage rom a devotional I am reading:

"The visions of things that seem impossible are presented to us ...not to mock us, but to incite us to spiritual exploits which would be impossible unless God had stored within us the great strength of his own indwelling. Difficulty is sent to reveal to us what God can do in answer to faith that prays and works" From Daily Devotional Community

We love you all and are so thankful for your continued prayers. With God all things are possible.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

24 weeks and two days!!!

Today we are 24 weeks and two days! Thank you Lord! Sorry that I have not written much lately. (The "a" key on the home lap top is not working and I am using Mom's school lap top computer right now). Last Friday we went to R.O.C. and receieved good news. As of last Friday, Cate weighs 1.6 lbs and Ellie weighs 1.3 lbs:) HUGE PRAISE!!! They did notice the remnants of the bleed over my cervix. This is not bad news, just a reminder that I need to be cautious and to continue the bed rest. We also have been following my heart rate. My resting heart rate before pregnancy was around 60 bpm now it is around 110. It sometimes will go up to 135 and it makes me feel like I am running even though I am resting. This seems to be part of a twin pregnancy with increased cardiac output. I am just thankful that we are doing great. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. We love you all so much! Have a wonderful Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Good News

Thursdays appointment was great. I passed the glucose toleramce test and the babies looked great on ultrasound. Cate still is loving her feet over her head. We think she will be a tumbler:) Ellie was calm as always. They are getting so big:). God is a God of miracles! You all know how I am so paranoid about my cervical length, so they measured it and it is a 4.0 (which is GREAT) HUGE PRAISE! AMEN! I do not go back to the regular OB until Feb. 26th:) This is a first for us as we usually go every two weeks. We do still have an appointment at R.O.C. (the high risk group) on Friday. Please keep praying.

I started a new devotional called "Streams in the Desert". Today 's entry was excellent. It went on to say that "This thing is from me" 1 Kings 12:24. Meaning that all that we go through is for a better purpose because we are children of God. It says, "The sting will go as you learn to see Me in all things". The Lord has taught me so much during this pregnancy. I chose to see Him in all that we are going through. And the truth of it is is that what we are going through has turned out be an awesome testimony to God's grace and miracles. Even more amazing is that through it all He is right beside us...guiding us and protecting us. What a mighty God we serve!

Love you all-

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Mom is at home with me this week. Poor thing had 50 stitches placed in her leg after an ER visit. She fell at work. Selfishly I love the company, but please keep her in your prayers as well. The girls are really moving this week. I am sure they have been moving all of this time, but I can really feel it now. They wake me up some times around 3 a.m.. Mom thinks this is because they will be waking me up around that time nightly after they are born. :) I have an OB appointment this Thursday with a glucose tolerance test too and then next Friday we have another ultrasound with R.O.C.. Please keep us in your prayers. We are 22 weeks and one day today. I still so thankful, but am still nervous and probably will be until we are at least 28 weeks. Today I read a great bible verse and need to apply it more to my worrying.
Don't be afraid
"Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Love you all so much and thank you for your continued prayers!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Catie's boys

Did I tell you guys how cute my sister's kids were a couple of weeks ago? I was out in the wheelchair for my weekly outing. This time my Mom and Catie (with little Gentry and Sterling) took me to Baby Depot. We looked at baby clothes and cribs. Well Sterling and little Gentry made my day (obviously..I am still talking about it). They were on each side of the wheelchair and were picking out clothes like madmen! Their enthusiasm was incredible. "Will Cate wear this"... "After Ellie's bath, she can wear this" "I will change her into this" . They made me feel so good and their love already for our baby girls was awesome!!! It will be so much fun to watch them with the girls when they are here! I am so blessed to have such sweet nephews!

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Voice of Truth

There is a song by Casting Crowns that Jeff and I listened to over and over when we were going through IVF. I still tear up when I hear the song. I thought about it again today because I am watching "Facing the Giants" and it is one of the theme songs. When Jeff and I listened to the song it inspired us with our infertility battles that no matter what trials we faced...we would listen to the voice of truth or God.(We had never seen the movie) The crazy thing is that the movie is not only about the football team, but it is also about going through infertility and the blessing of having children!!! When you have the time you should listen to it. I will post the words below and a link on youtube. Love you all

The Voice of Truth
Oh,what I would do to havethe kind of faith it takes To climb out of this boat I'm in Onto the crashing wavesTo step out of my comfort zoneInto the realm of the unknown Where Jesus is, And he's holding out his handBut the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at meReminding me of all the times I've tried before and failedThe waves they keep on telling me time and time again"Boy, you'll never win, you'll never win."But the voice of truth tells me a different storythe voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"Out of all the voices calling out to meI will choose to listen and believe the voice of truthOh, what I would do to have the kind of strength it takesTo stand before a giant with just a sling and a stoneSurrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors shaking in their armorWishing they'd have had the strength to standBut the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at meReminding me of all the times I've tried before and failedThe giant keeps on telling me time and time again"Boy you'll never win, you'll never win."But the voice of truth tells me a different storythe voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"Out of all the voices calling out to meI will choose to listen and believe the voice of truthBut the stone was just the right sizeto put the giant on the groundand the waves they don't seem so highfrom on top of them looking downI will soar with the wings of eagleswhen I stop and listen to the sound of Jesussinging over meBut the voice of truth tells me a different story The voice of truth says do not be afraid And the voice of truth says this is for my glory Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)I will choose to listen and believe (I will choose to listen and believe)I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truthI will listen and believeI will listen and believe the voice of truthI will listen and believe 'Cause Jesus you are the voice of truthAnd I will listen to you.. oh you are

Saturday, January 17, 2009

From Today's word with Joel and Victoria

The Greatness of His Favor
Today's Scripture
"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us…raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus"(Ephesians 2:4-7, NKJ)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Oftentimes, people set their focus on what God has done in the past—how He parted the Red Sea or stopped the sun for Joshua or fed thousands of people with just a little boy’s small lunch. Yes, God has performed many amazing miracles throughout history, and it’s important that we give Him praise and glory, but at the same time, we also have to look forward to what God wants to do in our lives today. In this verse, Paul says that "in the ages to come" God would do things that far supersede anything He’s ever done before. I believe that the “ages to come” that he’s talking about is this day and time we’re living in right now. God wants to outdo Himself in our generation! Remember, God is a God of increase. Where you are today is not where you are supposed to stay. He has greater levels of His favor and blessing in store for you. Dare to dream big! Dare to keep a God-sized vision in front of you! Dare to take hold of every blessing that the Lord has in store for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Today I open my heart and mind to You so that I can see the greatness of what You want to do in my life. Use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Philippians 1:4-5

Every morning I try to read a devotional called the Upper Room (I read Infinite Grace at night). This morning the scripture was perfect. Paul wrote, " Every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy because of the way which you have helped me in the work of the gospel". This made me rethink my prayers for our girls. I do pray so hard every day, but sometimes I do pray fearfully. While that is not bad, I am reminded that I need to start praying more with joy for these girls! They truly are a testimony to God's unconditional love...His strength, faith, miracles, and grace. Today I pray not only with joy for our girls, but I also pray this pregnancy has proved the works of the Lord. I also pray that we have inspired you to spread the word of the gospel. Love you all so much-

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back from the OB

We just got back form the OB. My dad drove me there and waited patiently in the waiting room and Jeff met me at the appointment (Dad was off early and Jeff had cases at Baptist). Last week the bleed was around 3 cm (at ROC) and today (at the regular OB's office) they could not find it!!! HUGE PRAISE!!! Dr. McIntyre said it may be too hard to find because the babies are bigger, but either way it is a huge miracle that it cannot be found. Our God is an awesome God. Not was but IS an awesome God and I know that He will continue to bless us and keep us safe and healthy. I am still on bed rest, but am again thankful to be on bed rest with these beautiful girls! Please continue to pray for us and please continue to give God all of the glory! We have another appointment in two weeks:) Love you all-

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Refining Grace

I wanted to share a passage from "Infinite Grace" that I just read.
" Do not be conceited. God's grace is sufficient in times of trouble and affliction. The power of Christ rests upon you. Be content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for Christs's sake. Know that when you are weak, God is strong. Glorify God in all your ways.
Folks this is the kind of grace that cannot be measured. God's grace has no limits. His favor has no boundaries. His love has no borders. There is no compromise in God. God's grace is ours without asking for it. Everywhere we go, everything we do, every relationship, and every activity is covered by God's grace. When things go haywire in your life, it's grace that keeps you from losing your's God's immeasurable grace that keeps you from going under"

Peace be with you all. Much love-

A Picnic

Today was great. After watching Joel Osteen and First Baptist on t.v. , Theresa and Jade came over for an inside picnic lunch. Theresa made the best chicken salad wraps ever and she even brough a cute picnic basket. We had the picnic inside (of course) and had a make shift lunch by the couch. I even got to drink water out of a wine glass that Theresa brought:) Jade was so well behaved and ate with us. She is such a beautiful blessing. I am so thankful to have had such a good day with good friends:) Thank you Theresa and Jade!!! xo

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I forgot to mention that the bleed is a tiny bit smaller (huge praise) and there is no placenta previa (who0hoo!!!). Dr. Izquierdo still wants me to be on strict bed rest and I could not agree more. We are making progress and seeing these little ones grow makes it all worth it!

Level 2 Ultrasound Report

Huge praise news!!! Yesterday we had our level 2 ultrasound and after one hour of waiting and one our of scanning we reviewed our results with Dr. Izquierdo. Our girls are very healthy!!! It is amazing to see the works of God and the miracle of life in the womb at 19 weeks and four days. We saw everything from the brain development (including the cerebellum), heart function, vavlular function, kidneys, artery and venous blood flow, bone name it. Ellie had her legs crossed as if she was sitting in a chair on the beach and Cate had her legs literally on her forhead and her hands behind her head. They were too cute and funny with such different personalities. Watching them for an hour with Jeff made us realize even more the power of prayer and the grace of God and His miracles. Thank you all so very much for your continued prayers! We go for another ultrasound with our regular OB next week and meet again with R.O.C. in four weeks. Please keep the faith and keep praying! We love you all!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday January 8, 2008

Today has been a good day. I am officially a fan of Netflix. You get three dvs's at a time and then get to send them back for more to come! I just finished watching the first series of Madmen. I would not really recommend this show to many, but it does make you appreciate how roles have evened out in time (this show's stage is set in the 1960's). Tomorrow we go for our level two ultrasound. Today again I heard some scary stories of second trimester pregnancy loss and it just makes me break out in a sweat. I just have to take a deep breath, pray, and know that whatver the outcome- it is God's plan. I just pray His plan is for us to have these two healthy girls. I have never more in my life appreciated the human life more than I do today. Please keep praying positive verses and prayers for these little ones. It is also the first time in my life is not about me. It is about them... a mother's unconditional selfless love...that will only grow even stronger in time. I am so appreciative for my mother and my sister...and my family

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Here is a link to an awesome web site for prayer and scripture during pregnancy!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My sister, Catie, brought me a book called "Infinite Grace". It is a book from the series of Women of Faith devotionals. I have been reading it daily (some days I slip, but for the most part daily) since I was about 12 weeks pregnant. Today I read a great scripture that filled my heart with such a sense of strength that can only come from God's grace.
2 Samueal 22:31-33
God's way is perfect. All of the ord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God is my strong fortress; He has made my way perfect.
I am so thankful for this awesome book. My sister is such a great witness and I am so blessed to have her as my best friend. I can't wait for Cate to meet Catie! Love you all and thank you for your prayers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday January 5, 2008

Today was a good day. It was uneventful:) I have started to stay up late, so then I sleep in later and before I know it my family is back home again. I was asked a question today that I am so sorry I have not addressed. I often forget that not everyone is in the medical field and thank goodness for that... in saying that I was asked by two friends today if the bleeds have affected the babies. According to our OB and the high risk group (ROC), the bleeds have not affected the babies. I have had Rhogham twice to prevent blood typing incompatability- we are watching titers and so far so good ( we are making sure the babies do not become anemic). The only risk factor they are concerned with at this point is IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction)- but that is a risk for twins in general. We do go for a levels two scan on Friday at ROC. They will check brain growth, heart and valvular function, bone growth etc They will also look for any abnorormalities or congenital anomalies. I am knid of nervous, but BOTTOM LINE IS THAT WE WILL AND DO LOVE THESE GIRLS AND ARE BLESSED WITH WHATEVER GOD GIVES US. No anatomical malformation or abnormality will change that love. These girls are a blesisng and all of the glory is God's. I will update you all sooon. Please keep praying that the bleeds resolve and that the placenta moves up (for my sanity sake:) xoxoxo

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We are all looking forward to a healthy and happy 2009! May the Lord continue to bless you all and your families. xo
Joni and Jeff