Monday, February 23, 2009

active faith vs. passive faith

"You've just got to believe He has done it and it is done" -From Days of Heaven upon Earth

I have not mentioned this yet in our our blog, but I was just sharing with my Mom my grattitude for her power of faith...her true essence of being an active believer. At fifteen weeks when we were bleeding and praying for a mircle my Mom never questioned that the God would provide a miracle. She quietly began to sew a cowgirl quilt for our girls. Her active faith made me believe that we would make it. Each day a quilted piece was added ...our faith grew...
At fifteen weeks when we were in the hospital Catie pulled me aside and said, "it is o.k. to believe Jo. Let your guard God and believe" I remeber it perfectly. Catie, Jeff, and I were there just all teary eyed and we came up with the girls names that day. .................and ever since my Mom and Catie's active faith lessons... there have been a turn of positive events:) Thank you Mom and Catie for making me a believer and for making me a woman of active faith! Thank you God for putting them in my life. I love you both so much!

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