Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Good News

Thursdays appointment was great. I passed the glucose toleramce test and the babies looked great on ultrasound. Cate still is loving her feet over her head. We think she will be a tumbler:) Ellie was calm as always. They are getting so big:). God is a God of miracles! You all know how I am so paranoid about my cervical length, so they measured it and it is a 4.0 (which is GREAT) HUGE PRAISE! AMEN! I do not go back to the regular OB until Feb. 26th:) This is a first for us as we usually go every two weeks. We do still have an appointment at R.O.C. (the high risk group) on Friday. Please keep praying.

I started a new devotional called "Streams in the Desert". Today 's entry was excellent. It went on to say that "This thing is from me" 1 Kings 12:24. Meaning that all that we go through is for a better purpose because we are children of God. It says, "The sting will go as you learn to see Me in all things". The Lord has taught me so much during this pregnancy. I chose to see Him in all that we are going through. And the truth of it is is that what we are going through has turned out be an awesome testimony to God's grace and miracles. Even more amazing is that through it all He is right beside us...guiding us and protecting us. What a mighty God we serve!

Love you all-

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