Sunday, January 11, 2009

Refining Grace

I wanted to share a passage from "Infinite Grace" that I just read.
" Do not be conceited. God's grace is sufficient in times of trouble and affliction. The power of Christ rests upon you. Be content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for Christs's sake. Know that when you are weak, God is strong. Glorify God in all your ways.
Folks this is the kind of grace that cannot be measured. God's grace has no limits. His favor has no boundaries. His love has no borders. There is no compromise in God. God's grace is ours without asking for it. Everywhere we go, everything we do, every relationship, and every activity is covered by God's grace. When things go haywire in your life, it's grace that keeps you from losing your's God's immeasurable grace that keeps you from going under"

Peace be with you all. Much love-

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