Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week in Review (3/20/3/28)

What a week! Not sure if I updated the blog since our last L&D visit last week, but I was placed on Terbutaline and goodness was that stuff nasty! After a racing heart and chattering teeth, Dr. Stenklyft put me on Procardia instead to calm down the contractions. He also did a cervical check which was fine and a fetal fibronectin test that came back negative. Alll good news. Praise the Lord! Then Tuesday night I was up with the dry heaves and my blood pressure shot up, so I went in to see Dr. Barnes Wednesday morning. After a negative pre-eclampsia work up in the L& D and with a tad high white count (14) I was sent home with a likely GI bug. I still think I did not have a GI bug...just pre-term labor fun. Saturday morning I seemed to have lost part of the mucus plug, but after talking to Kammie am not too worried about it. Hopefully we will hang in here for at least two to three more weeks. Saturday afternoon, Jeff and I got ready at my Mom's for the Jaguar (Roar) baby shower put on by Theresa, Genny, and Palmer. Mom was awesome as always and bought me a really cute turquoise dress and did my hair and makeup:) Most of the gang (Collins fam) was still at the lake house, but Kip made it to the shower with Brian which was great:) The shower was awesome. the twin cupcakes (strawberry shortcake flavor) were yummy. There were pink roses and green table cloths, a HUGE diaper cake, and beautiful Moses baskets sewn by Theresa. The boys brought Jeff some beverages and yes even some cigars! It was a great afternoon and we were blessed that the rain stayed away for the most part. After the party, I came back home and rested...I was cramping pretty back in the bed. Tomorrow we have an OB appt, with Dr. McIntyre and Friday meet with ROC for another high risk ultrasound. Please keep us in your prayers. We love you all so much and are so excited! The countdown has begun! xo

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