Saturday, January 10, 2009

Level 2 Ultrasound Report

Huge praise news!!! Yesterday we had our level 2 ultrasound and after one hour of waiting and one our of scanning we reviewed our results with Dr. Izquierdo. Our girls are very healthy!!! It is amazing to see the works of God and the miracle of life in the womb at 19 weeks and four days. We saw everything from the brain development (including the cerebellum), heart function, vavlular function, kidneys, artery and venous blood flow, bone name it. Ellie had her legs crossed as if she was sitting in a chair on the beach and Cate had her legs literally on her forhead and her hands behind her head. They were too cute and funny with such different personalities. Watching them for an hour with Jeff made us realize even more the power of prayer and the grace of God and His miracles. Thank you all so very much for your continued prayers! We go for another ultrasound with our regular OB next week and meet again with R.O.C. in four weeks. Please keep the faith and keep praying! We love you all!

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