Monday, February 23, 2009

26 weeks and one day:)

Praise the Lord:) and to God be all of the glory! Today we are 26 weeks and one day pregnant. The girls really have been moving. It is so much fun:) This past weekend Jeff and I went to Babies R' Us and ordered our cribs and bassinetts for the girls. Tami (Jeff's sister) painted the girls room pink (She has been so awesome and helpful). We also picked up an adorable chandelier and Pottery Barn Kids. On Sunday we were able to go to church and the music was awesome:) I still go out in the wheelchair and we have affectionately decided to named it "the Patriot" ha!
Back to the nursery....The nursery is going to be so beautiful:) Mom has been sewing a surprise for the girls and I am pretty sure it is the bedding:) I am so excited and starting to wonder what they will look like. I am feeling great. The only main change seems to be back pain at the end of the day, but I consider it a true blessing to have the back pain because it means my bells is getting bigger and the girls are growing:)
This Saturday is our first baby shower . Mrs Imfeld and Mrs. Geison are having it for us. I am soo excited. Jeff ordered me a dress from the Maternity Shoppe in San Marco. It is chiffon and flowy and pink:)
Every morning when I take a shower I pray so hard for our girls. I am completely humbled and thankful for all of the miracles and blessings that God has provided for us. These babies are such a testimony to His works and that All things are possible with God:) I am also so humbled and thankful for our friends and family and when someone says they are praying for us that prayer is a great gift. It has made me reevaluate when a person asks me to pray for him/her. I take that request to heart. I guess what I am trying to say is that this pregnancy has made me so thankful for my relationship with the Lord and that when it comes down to it...when I am all alone...He is my best friend.

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