Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back from the OB

We just got back form the OB. My dad drove me there and waited patiently in the waiting room and Jeff met me at the appointment (Dad was off early and Jeff had cases at Baptist). Last week the bleed was around 3 cm (at ROC) and today (at the regular OB's office) they could not find it!!! HUGE PRAISE!!! Dr. McIntyre said it may be too hard to find because the babies are bigger, but either way it is a huge miracle that it cannot be found. Our God is an awesome God. Not was but IS an awesome God and I know that He will continue to bless us and keep us safe and healthy. I am still on bed rest, but am again thankful to be on bed rest with these beautiful girls! Please continue to pray for us and please continue to give God all of the glory! We have another appointment in two weeks:) Love you all-

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