Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So Sunday after shopping in the wheelchair with Jeff for bedroom furniture...the contractions started! Thank goodness for Kammie (my cousin) and my sister who guided me to Labor and Delivery. They put me on the monitor and sure enough...contractions. With some rest and lots of fluids the contractions went away. At the OB appt. on Monday, Dr. Barnes gave me a rx for terbutaline to start if they come back again. Hopefully with rest, lots of hydration, and prayers they will not be back for some time . 
I have moved back home in my house from Mom and Dad's house. I miss them, but it is good to be back with my husband. Tami (Jeff's sister) has been sooo helpful. Yesterday, Stephanie ( a neighnorhood friend) painted my toes!  
Today sweet Rosie, our white lab, goes to a new home. I am sad, but she wil have such a better quality of life. We are worried she is too rough for the babies. I am going to miss her! sage will miss her too. 
Love you all and please continue all of your prayers! xo

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