Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday January 5, 2008

Today was a good day. It was uneventful:) I have started to stay up late, so then I sleep in later and before I know it my family is back home again. I was asked a question today that I am so sorry I have not addressed. I often forget that not everyone is in the medical field and thank goodness for that... in saying that I was asked by two friends today if the bleeds have affected the babies. According to our OB and the high risk group (ROC), the bleeds have not affected the babies. I have had Rhogham twice to prevent blood typing incompatability- we are watching titers and so far so good ( we are making sure the babies do not become anemic). The only risk factor they are concerned with at this point is IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction)- but that is a risk for twins in general. We do go for a levels two scan on Friday at ROC. They will check brain growth, heart and valvular function, bone growth etc They will also look for any abnorormalities or congenital anomalies. I am knid of nervous, but BOTTOM LINE IS THAT WE WILL AND DO LOVE THESE GIRLS AND ARE BLESSED WITH WHATEVER GOD GIVES US. No anatomical malformation or abnormality will change that love. These girls are a blesisng and all of the glory is God's. I will update you all sooon. Please keep praying that the bleeds resolve and that the placenta moves up (for my sanity sake:) xoxoxo

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