Wednesday, December 31, 2008

OB Report

Mom took me to my OB appt yesterday. (She is my guardian angel...Mom's are so special.) Per Dr. Boyd and the wondeful ultrasonographer Allison my cervical length looks great. The one bleed is missing in action (awesome praise news) and the second bleed has not grown any larger (amen!). The placenta on Baby A has decided it likes my cervix again, thus the placenta previa and uterine irritability. The babies look great with heart rates of 137 and 150. Baby A was shy as usual (Ellie) and Baby B (Cate) was showing off and waiving her hands, as she was chowing on amniotic fluid. We could see her opening and closing her cute little mouth. All in all I feel this is great praise news. I am still on strict bed rest, but what a blessing to even be on bed rest with these sweet girls! Thank you all for your continued prayers. We go to R.O.C. (the high risk group) next Friday for our level two scan. Please continue to pray with all of your hearts. I love you all so much and am so thankful for your love, prayers, and support.

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